Category Archives: debt free

Don’t Let Debt Ruin Your Marriage!!

Couple DisconnectDebt can be crippling and stressful, but it doesn’t have to ruin personal relationships. While it may be easy to project stress onto spouses and family members, it’s important to remain focused on paying down the debt as fast as possible and reshaping the financial future.

Read the rest of the story >>> Don’t Let Debt Ruin Your Marriage | Fox Business.

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You Don’t Have to Take My Word for It

Saving can be tough. We’ve all had those months where it just doesn’t seem important, and no matter how much advice you get, it doesn’t make you feel more motivated. Sometimes it helps just to hear, from someone who succeeded, that it IS possible. This week, we wanted to share with you a personal success story from one of our fans, in hopes of offering a little inspiration.


Hi Feed the Pig,

I wanted to take a moment to provide a long overdue THANK YOU to your organization.  Approximately three years ago I was making good money with good job security, but had nothing in my bank account to show for it even though I had more disposable income than ever before.  However, I was living paycheck to paycheck not because I didn’t make enough money, but because I wasn’t disciplined with my spending (and subsequently ‘savings’) habits. 

It just so happened that at that point in my life I was contemplating purchasing a new, fancy and highly complicated high-definition big-screen television.  One evening, late at night, I was sitting around watching television (on my embarrassingly tiny, low-def, outdated TV) when I saw a commercial of yours.  In this commercial there was a young man, about the same age as me, at an electronics store deciding on which TV to purchase.  I immediately related to this guy (good job Feed the Pig marketing team).  Then the commercial ended with the slogan, “feed the pig” which kept echoing through my mind.  Suddenly, all at once, it all made sense.  I realized that I didn’t need a new TV. I realized I needed to have money in savings at all times, and most importantly that I need better discipline when it comes to money management.

From that day I promised myself that I would save as much as I can, per paycheck.  I also promised myself I would not waste money on things I don’t need.  Since then I save ~25% of my income every month, no longer have the anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck and can sleep better knowing I have a firm grasp on my financial situation.  This single, short, silly, often-overlooked and certainly under-appreciated commercial has saved my financial future.  So . . .


You have made a massive difference in my life, and I will forever be in your…debt 😉

– James

Do you have a personal testimony? Head over to the Feed the Pig Discussion Board and share your success! Happy saving everyone!

Visit for more money-saving tips.

This article courtesy of Feed the Pig. Copyright 2011 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Looks Like the Tea Party Recession Is Beginning!

“Back ‘in the day,’ my wife liked to run up the credit cards. I didn’t complain because the house looked nice, we ate well, and I got a nice BBQ center with an outdoor sound system out of it. (I mean, REALLY nice!) Besides, I was making good money and got regular raises, so we could make the payments.”

Read the rest of the story >>> Looks Like the Tea Party Recession Is Beginning! | The Liberty Ledger.

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US debt visualized: Stacked in 100 dollar bills

You gotta take a look at this for a great visual on our country’s debt.  Kind of mind boggling!

US debt visualized: Stacked in 100 dollar bills.

Would love your reaction to this presentation!

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TJ On Dat Ol Debt Problem

“We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.

We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude.

If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds…

[we will] have no time to think,

no means of calling our mis-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers…

And this is the tendency of all human governments.

A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for [another ]…

till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery…

And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt.

Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.”

President Thomas Jefferson

America’s Biggest Debt Crisis Not in D.C., But at Home

The debt debate raging on in Washington should look familiar to America—after all, it’s one that families and individuals face daily. How can you pay for the things you need to survive, and want to enjoy in life, when you just can’t afford to?

Read the rest of the story >>> America’s Biggest Debt Crisis Not in D.C., But at Home –

This article makes a significant point.  Whereas our government is indeed struggling with a debt crisis it would be easy to forget what is happening in this regards in homes across America.  Let’s all deal with our own debt and show the government it can be done!

Related Posts:

  1. Budget your way to wealth
  2. Dumb As Dirt Debt Primer
  3. Get motivated to become debt free in 2011

Beware The Helots!

Ever stop to think about how having money complicates things?  Maybe you are a Helot!  Have fun watching this excerpt from the Frank Capra film MEET JOHN DOE.  Walter Brennan plays a character called “The Colonel” who describes what a Helot is.

Pop Quiz On Frugality

3 simple questions, answer yes, answer no.  Take a moment and give it a go!

  1. Were your parents very frugal?

  2. Are you frugal?

  3. Is your spouse more frugal than you are?

    Click below to answer the questions on Take The Quiz!

How To Determine If You Are Wealthy

Are you a PAW, an AAW or a  UAW?   The following exercise is taken from THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR by Stanley and Danko  and will help determine which you are.

  1. Multiply your age times your realized pretax annual household income from all sources except inheritance.
  2. Divide by ten.
  3. This, less any inherited wealth, is what your net worth should be.
  • Mr. Duncan is 41 years old
  • He makes $143,000 per year
  • His investments earn another $12,000
  • He multiplies the total of $155,000 by forty-one
  • This equal $635,500
  • Dividing by ten his net worth should be $635,500
Now you can determine which of the 3 types of wealth accumulator you are.
  1. PAW: If you are in the top quartile for wealth accumulation you are a PAW, or a Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth .
  2. UAW: If your are in the bottom quartile you are a UAW or an Under Accumulator of Wealth.
  3. AAW: If you are in the other quartiles your are an AAW or an Average Accumulator of Wealth.
Closing Remarks:
“PAWs are builders of wealth – that is, they are the best at building net worth compared to other in their income/age category.  PAWs typically have a minimum of four times the wealth accumulated by UAWs.”
So, where do you stand?  Surprised by the results?
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Money Lessons for Every High-School Graduate

“When Felipe Matos enrolled in the New York Institute of Technology to study graphic design, he never thought that degree would be the very thing that prevented him from pursuing his dream career.

But more than $50,000 in student debt later, he has found himself working as an assistant building manager in New York City — with half his salary going toward debt repayment.”

Read the rest of the story: >>> Money Lessons for Every High-School Graduate –

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